Article posts of '2014' 'November'

Reception Areas; Getting Your Message Across with Color

Reception Area colorNo matter how you like to communicate; send an email, write a letter, speak your words, send a text, or even sign a phrase, there is always one common purpose, to get your message from here to there. When you think of all the possible ways to get your message across, there’s still more… Aside from all the common ways that everybody thinks of, there’s a host of non-verbal ones as well; a smile may be engaging and a grimace may show discontent. Expert’s estimate 93% of all communication isn’t coming out of your mouth. These fundamental truths are...

Reception Areas - Your First Planned Opportunity to Sell Your Company

Planned Reception AreasWhether you know it or not, the most essential thing about creating a great first on-site impression with your visitors has little to do with what you have to say, and the whole enchilada to do with how you make them FEEL. One of the paramount ways to achieve this is to formulate the energy of your office reception area before you even think about engaging with a potential client there. You want the vitality of your lobby space to capture and build interest in your business right from the start. You want your entryway to be filled with positive...

Impressive Reception Areas...Who Needs Them

Impressive Reception AreasSo it’s been said, “You can’t judge a book by its cover” how about: “Beauty is only skin deep” or, “Clothes don’t make the man”. You’ve heard all those clichés many times before, right? However, irrespective of what people say, people do select books based up a quick glance at the cover, they inadvertently judge people, and yes, we are attracted to beauty and cool clothing all the time. Maybe attraction is not all there is, but it certainly makes us stop and notice, doesn’t it? For that reason, it’s no secret, billions of dollars are spent desi...